Statutory Information
Academy Trust
St Laurence School became an academy on 1 August 2011.
St Laurence School Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. The Charitable Company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association are the primary governing documents of the Academy Trust.
The Trustees of the Company are the Governing Body. There also exists an Academy Trust Board, made up of 5 Members, a representative appointed by the Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education, a representative appointed by the Lord Fitzmaurice Educational Foundation, the University of Bath, Wessex Water and the Chair of the Governing Body.

Documents relating to the Trust can be found below:
The full Ofsted Reports can downloaded at the bottom of this page.
The Department for Education School Performance Information for St Laurence School can be found by following this link:
Department for Education Performance Tables
Paper copies of all information contained on this website are available on request.
Ofsted Reports
Letter from DfE