6th Form Admissions
Apply to 6th Form at St Laurence
All St Laurence 6th Form Application Forms need to be completed and submitted by Friday 29th November. We would encourage early completion where possible to secure places in popular option choice.
The formal process for 6th Form applications is now closed. However, we can still consider late applications. If you would like to apply please email Mrs Jo Brown at joabro@st-laurence.com
The St Laurence 6th Form is a vibrant, dynamic and aspirational community where students are provided with the skills and knowledge to face the future with confidence. There is a legacy of success with our students achieving a B grade average for the last three years. This has made us the highest attaining state 6th Form for two out of the last three years.
All students progress to their chosen pathway with 70% going to university. Of these we have year on year success of gaining entry to Oxford and Cambridge, with many going on to Russell Group universities. Further students are successful with: Apprenticeships, Training & Employment.
While attainment is key, we place student wellbeing front and centre. Student mentoring and a professional counselling service is used to support a range of student needs. Students have opportunities to: play sport, go on trips nationally and internationally and be leaders using their experience to guide others. Our “Core Programme” allows us to support with current advice on key PSHE strands such as “Dealing with Anxiety” or Careers Advice, as well as providing up to date study support. Whether students are new to St Laurence School, or whether they move into the Sixth Form from within, the moment is a defining one. It marks a clear transition, and it brings with it a changed status. Students are regarded within the school community as young adults.
The Sixth Form students are based within our own Sixth Form Centre, with bespoke IT spaces solely for 6th Form, a place to socialise and study, as well as a place where they will find support and guidance. Sixth Form students are given more freedom and greater responsibility, but they remain an integral part of the wider school community and are also integrated within the school’s vertical tutor system.
We do all we can to ensure that our students leave the Sixth Form with a firm sense that we are part of a global society with a key role to play in its future. Our aim is that every student leaves with the skills and experiences that will set them up to continue tasting success long into the future. Ultimately, for each and every student, we care, we inspire, and we succeed.
How to Apply
Students can apply for a place at St Laurence 6th Form, irrespective of gender, religion, ethnicity or country of origin or disability. The application process starts from October and remains open through the academic year.
Meeting with prospective students
These will take place during January internal candidates. External candidates will be invited for interview in February. Prior to this, we are happy for prospective external candidates to visit at any time. The meeting is an opportunity to discuss your preferred courses and check that they match future career intentions.
Entry Criteria
To progress into the St Laurence Sixth Form requires students to achieve a Grade 4+ in English Language and Maths.
Students require at least a grade 5 in their chosen subject, or equivalent (eg Art = Photography) if they wish to study at A Level.
Students will need a minimum of two Grade 4 and three Grade 5 level GCSEs.
Students wishing to study: Biology, Chemistry, Maths or Physics require at least a grade 6
Students wishing to study Further Maths require at least a grade 7
Key Documents
There are several key documents which you can download from this webpage and more information on each subject that we offer can be found in our prospectus. If you would like to find out more about St Laurence Sixth Form or would like to arrange a visit, please contact Mrs Jo Brown in the Sixth Form Administration Office.